In the world of travel there is endless change. New ways to travel, new technologies, new restrictions and new destinations. But over the past 30 years, there has been one constant, that constant is Chris Goddard. August marks the 30th anniversary of Chris Goddard at Maxim’s Travel.
It all started back in 1988, as a fresh-faced kid entering the world of corporate travel as everyone one does. An apprentice. A rookie. The office junior. “I was tasked with getting coffee and was a bit of the office ‘gofer’,” Chris laughs as he reminisces, “but I knew I was in the right industry, travel was where I wanted to be.” It was then, that a burning desire was born.
That desire has seen Chris work his way up the corporate ladder to becoming part-owner, then, sole-owner and managing director. Chris has always looked at travel with an open mind, “It’s about not putting up walls of limitations” he explains “it’s a fine balance of continuing to do what we do well and implementing changes to the benefit of all parties. We are in the service industry, so our goal is to provide travel solutions with the best bespoke technologies coupled with a professional personal touch”.
His dedication and drive has seen Maxim’s Travel go from strength to strength while continuing to deliver their clients with superior service.
Chris’ insatiable appetite for hard work and accomplishment has seen Maxim’s Travel constantly improve and evolve:
“I don’t sleep” he jokes, “I’m always thinking about the next step, and how we can improve”.
The creation of the in-house booking engine MAXIMise, Maxim’s Travel App, successful implementation of an events branch Maxim’s Events and a robust retail arm of the company only demonstrates Chris’ dynamism.
“You cannot be complacent in this industry”
If Chris has learnt anything from the past 30 years of working in the world of corporate travel is that resting on past successes doesn’t work.
“You cannot be complacent in this industry. You have to keep moving forward with the aim at always bettering yourself, your business”.
The drive, the passion, and the desire are still there and it is palpable and infectious.
The future for Maxim’s Travel looks bright and with Chris at the helm, there’s surely at least 30 more years of prosperous and innovative travel solutions provided by Maxim’s Travel.